“Ogni momento nella storia del business accade una volta. Il prossimo Bill Gates non costruirà un sistema operativo. I prossimi Larry Page o Sergey Brin non faranno un motore di ricerca. E il prossimo Mark Zuckerberg non realizzerà un social network. Se stai copiando queste persone non hai capito nulla di loro.”
Peter Thie
Public-Private Partnership Smart City
Creating a high-tech public-private stakeholder partnership is the sustainable key of a smart city.
To create a public-private partnership is one of the fundamental pillars to support public institutions in developing and managing digitized intersectoral platforms.
The synergies between several fields, whether public and / or private, will increase new investment and financing models that will satisfy all parties.
Before entering into the topic of the development process of a project, it is preferable to ask yourself both some questions to better understand how to finance a Smart city and the business model to refer to in order to assess whether the latter is able to generate sufficient economic resources to support the entire implementation and maintenance operation during its life.
The business model concretely focuses on what is the value to be proposed in the design of a Smart city, on how it will be concretely received by the user and in which ecosystem can be put in place to make the best use of resources and synergies.
For new business models, or to validate those already in place, there are schemes through which it is possible to visually summarize how a systemic organization creates value, what resources and activities are needed, customer segments & economic and financial aspects.