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Master Internazionale ‘Be smart in the City’

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Prima Edizione del Master Internazionale online ‘Be Smart in The City’.  “Nel cuore della metropoli moderna dove l’innovazione incontra la sostenibilità, sta emergendo una nuova generazione di leaders.”  “Be Smart in the City” ti metterà in contatto con pionieri del settore.  Sei pronto a plasmare il futuro delle nostre città?

Iscriviti ora: ‘Be Smart in the City’

Start Date: 12 Aprile 2024

Course Mode: online (ogni venerdì pomeriggio e sabato mattina)
Whatsapp:+39 338 90 89 383


Il Master Internazionale ‘Be Smart In the City’ di alta formazione mira a fornire le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per progettare, sviluppare e gestire i sistemi complessi che compongono le città intelligenti.

Il programma si sviluppa in una combinazione di moduli teorici e pratici con esercitazioni, esempi e casi studio.

Il Master si sviluppa in XX Moduli,  esplora una nuova realtà nell’era digitale basata sul funzionamento dei centri energetici nevralgici urbani ed ambientali in sinergia con l’essere umano e in equilibrio sincronico intersettoriale del sistema connettivale urbano. La “Big Challenge” del vecchio continente: la città esistente viene impostata su di un meccanismo sistemico da ottimizzare digitalmente. I temi trattati per lo sviluppo e gestione dell’Urbe Intelligente sono inerenti alla sociologia urbana, ai metodi di sviluppo  in ambito abitativo-ambientale, microclimatico, energetico, giuridico, culturale e architettonico, museale, digitale tecnologico (IoT, GIS, BIM), alimentare-agricolo, mobilità green. Una visione manageriale nuova per la gestione di una città digitale.

Il corso si sviluppa in XX moduli sui seguenti temi:

Obiettivo generale del Master  è l’acquisizione di competenze e abilità  relative ad operare nelle città intelligenti.

I docenti sono personalità di spicco del Mondo Accademico, Scientifico e Privato Nazionale ed Internazionale operanti nei diversi ambiti.

Edition 2024

International Master’s Program  ‘’Integrated Intersectoral and  Managerial Planning for Smart Cities.”



Start date 12 April 2024 


This program provides a comprehensive and in-depth view of Smart Cities, guiding the attendans  through a series of well-structured modules to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to address the challenges and opportunities of smart cities.


Definition of the Smart City and Its Models

Lesson: Agrosì

  1. Definition of Smart City
  2. The smart city analytical systems 
  3. The risk factors
  4. Urbanism concept transferred into  smart city


Lesson: Paragano

  1. The management of transformation projects
  2. Project management for Smart Cities
  3. How to transform a city with project management
  4. Objectives, main advantages and disadvantages of a Smart City


Lesson: Galletto

  1. Models of New York City Neighborhoods


Smart City Development and Sustainability

Lesson: Marcatili, Giordano, Ricchio

  1. From Smart Cities to Senseable Cities
  2. New Living Values
  3. Tools for effective planning 
  4. Perspectives for systemic and transferable urban design
  5. Sustainable development in Smart Cities


Digital Solutions and Innovation Manager

Lesson: Zilli

  1. Innovation in Smart Cities: Key concepts and objectives of smart cities
  2. Role of Innovation: Explanation of the crucial role of innovation in the context of Smart Cities
  3. Innovation trends in smart cities: Exploring current and future innovation trends 
  4. Case study: analysis of successful cases that have embraced innovation to improve quality of life and efficiency
  5. Social Innovation: Discussion on how innovation can positively influence the social aspect of Smart Cities
  6. Risks and Challenges:  innovation in smart cities
  7. Case Study: Analysis of case studies of cities adopted sustainable technologies and strategies


Building Information Modeling – BIM 

Lesson: Zacchei

  1. Birth and Evolution of BIM
  2. What is BIM: Building Information Modeling
  3. The dimensions of BIM
  4. Interoperability
  5. BIM as an interoperable model extended to the life cycle
  6. Impact of digitization on the construction supply chain 
  7. The reconfiguration of processes through the management of information models
  8. The construction sector at a turning point: BIM as a virtual prototype
  9. Virtual prototype
  10. ‘Building better before building
  11. BIM: from virtual prototype to digital twin in a Smart City context
  12. From the atom to bit: the digital twin
  13. BIM and digital twin
  14. Smart buildings and an urban digital twin


Microclimate and Climate change 

Lesson: Georgiadis

  1. Urban Climatology
  2. Fundamentals of Urban Meteorology and Pollution: Urban meteorological processes. 
  3. The Planetary Boundary Layer. Impacts on: coastal settlements, valley settlements, and mountain settlements
  4. Atmospheric pollution: primary and secondary pollutants, formation and fate.
  5. Processes of transport and deposition
  6. Impacts on Human Health: Equitability and sustainability of the urban environment. The fragile population 
  7. Direct and indirect effects on health. The concept of exposure and risk
  8. The role of Climate Change. Quality of life – quality of cities nexus. Toward a human-centered approach
  9. The Surface Energy Balance: Partition of the solar energy at the surface. Analysis of the partition in natural and anthropized environments. Surface effects and magnitude of the partition
  10. Regenerative actions for the mitigation and adaptation
  11. The Surface Radiation Balance: General properties of Solar radiation and the interaction with the built environment. Properties of materials in the built environment
  12. Old and new materials: the role of local regulations. Adiabatic cooling of the city
  13. The Urban Hydrological Balance: The balance components. New settlements and history from a hydrological point of view and extreme weather events
  14. Adaptation and mitigation with old and new techniques: from Uchimizu to SUDS
  15. Applications to real urban Environments: Examples of real applications to urban environments and to policies
  16. The legislative frame for Europe and potential up-scaling. Conservazione dell’ambiente naturale nelle città Riduzione dell’inquinamento atmosferico e idrico


Water networks and digital world – Acquedotto Pugliese – AQP

Lesson: Mottola

  1. Monitoring on hydraulic infrastructure behavior


Lesson: Mazzolani

  1. Measurements and remote control of hydraulic works


Lesson: Cagiano 

  1. Smart metering


Lesson: Lanza

  1.  SWM – Smart Water Management                       


Agriculture 4.0 and Urban Gardens

Lesson: Messori

  1. Community Gardens and working with local authorities, municipalities, and public sector
  2. City farms, social farms, and e urban community gardens


Lesson: Agrosì

  1. Rural Transformation


Hydrogen on the Road –Green Sea Mobility

Lesson: Vitali

  1. Energy efficiency and green mobility: FAAM experience


Lesson: Calzolaio

  1. Models of slow, accessible, and sustainable mobility for inland and coastal waters: the Venice lagoon as a field of experimentation and application


Energy Transition

Lesson: Galletto

  1. Full beneficial electrification of an economy: The New York City and New York State Green Deals
  2. Decarbonization in housing and climate justice
  3. New climate-tech and energy solutions in urban areas


Lesson: Trasi

  1. Energy project as urban design, designing the energy transition


Metaverse –  Augmented RealityCyber SecurityBlockchain 

Lesson: Cappannari

  1. The Metaverse Experience: The hyped narrative of the Metaverse. Spatial Computing and the Fourth Computing Revolution. Enabling technologies:history
  2. Virtual Worlds: Born from gaming, the importance of Engagement. From games to social networks. Digital ownership, blockchain & web3. Artificial and virtual beings
  3. Extended Realities: AR/VR/MR, all blending into XR. The “media without media”, and direct emotions. Presence, Lifelike experiences, and the impact on our brains. The dematerialization of the world
  4. Metaverse in Business: Virtual transformation of companies and business models. Impacts on: Sales & Marketing; Offices & HR; Operations
  5. Virtual Transformation of the World: A new way to see and interact with the world. The dematerialization of everything. A technology convergence
  6. Workshop


Lesson: Pescatore

  1. Role of technology in shaping urban environments: Key challenges: security, privacy, and efficiency
  2. The Role of Data in Smart Cities: Methods of data collection, storage, and processing
  3. Importance of secure data management
  4. Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Smart Cities: Identification of cybersecurity threats specific to urban  environments:  exploration of protection layers and essential tools
  5. Blockchain Basics and Its Applications in Smart Cities: understanding Blockchain technology: transparency, immutability, and decentralization
  6. Practical applications in supply chain management, digital identity, energy management, and smart contracts
  7. Integrating Blockchain for Secure Smart Cities: Benefits of integrating Blockchain: transparency, trust,  reduced fraud, and improved public service efficiency
  8. Examination of challenges: scalability and regulatory considerations
  9. Real-life case studies of successful integration
  10. Blockchain in Managing Cybersecurity Risks for Smart Cities:  Identifying vulnerabilities within Smart City systems and implementing risk assessment and mitigation strategies using Blockchain
  11. Preparation for incident response and recovery plans in the event of a cyber threat


Lessons: Calaprice

  1. EU Strategy for Cyber Security
  2. EU Strategy for Artificial Intelligence


Cultural Heritage – Architecture in the Digital Era

Lesson: Agrosì

  1. Architecture, Archaeology, and Smart Cities: A New Vision in the Digital Age
  2. Sites and Emotions, a synergetic dialogue between psyche and environment
  3. The new language of architecture


Lesson: Alberotanza

  1. UNESCO sites and digital, how can you visit them! Theory and case studies
  2. Cultural Routes and digital


Lesson: Calzolaio

  1. The Faro Convention and the Platform of Patrimonial Communities: an example to follow


Cultural Heritage – Archaeology and Museums in the Digital Era 

Lesson: Angelini 

  1. Architectural and archaeological surveying: the latest range-based and image-based techniques
  2. Light laser, scanner acquisitions and photogrammetric techniques
  3. Topographic techniques and GNSS/GPS systems 
  4. 3D data management and following phases: pre-proceessing, registration of scans, georeferencing of a numerical model, transformation of surfaces, metric analysis 
  5. Case studies projects carried out by RDR Lab


Lesson: De Caro

  1. Analytic Techniques applied to the study of cultural heritage;


Lesson: Gigliarelli

  1. Constructive HBIM: The National Archaeological Museum of Naples. HBIM and Seismic Vulnerability: BIM and VPL for assessing the mechanical characteristics of masonry. The Sismi project and the case study of Cornillo in the seismic crater of Amatrice
  2. HBIM for Energy Efficinecy and Environmental Analysis of Historic Buildings: The BEEP project – the case study of Palazzo Maffei Borghese in Rome. The METRICS project and the historical center of Frigento
  3. HBIM at Urban and District-Scale: The Prosit project and the case study of San Giovanni a Teduccio. The PRIN TECH START project and the National Archaeological Museum of Ferrara.
  4. HBIM and SMART MUSEUMS: HBIM, IoT, and AI – The HBIMXLAZIOHERITAGE project and the case study of the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome. HBIM for Conservation and Maintenance of Museum Works: The Ideha project and the case study of the Real Site of Carditello and the former Tonnara di Favignana
  5. Semantic HBIM for BUILT Heritage (at both the archaeological and architectural scales) : The Maeci project and the case study of the Monastery of Santa Maria Goranxi in Albania. The archaeological site of the Dam Pagoda in Vietnam


Lesson: Sartori

  1. Smart museum for inclusive visit: the role of Conservation, Legibility, Space in museum exhibitions 


Circular Economy

Lesson: Polini

  1. Concept and Principles of Circular Economy; 
  2. Reflection on economy, environment, and territory;
  3. The waste cycle;
  4. Rethinking the production chain and the waste system: an opportunity for new generations; 


Lesson: Vitali

  1. Circular economy and energy transition: the city as an urban mine. The FAAM experience


Soft Law and Smart Cities – Agile Work

Lesson: Varricchio

  1. Legal Aspects of Smart Cities
  2. Smart Cities and Smart Working
  3. Teleworking and Smart Working
  4. Legal profiles and the differences between the 2 figures
  5. Smart Working and a sustainable environment
  6. The worker and his rights in the smart working society
  7. The right to disconnection
  8. Possible future scenarios
  9. Conclusions


Lesson: Agbo

  1. Understanding International and Comparative Law (ICL)
  2. The concept of Law
  3. Divisions of Law (Natural/Positive; Public/Private)
  4. International Law and its division (Public, Private, Customary)
  5. Comparative Laws (Concepts, contents, methods, and objectives)
  6. The concept of Emerging Technologies (ETs)
  7. Technology: Traditional and Emerging
  8. Four Major Emerging Technologies (AI, Blockchain, Internet of things, Robotics)
  9. International laws and regulations of ETs (International: UN and its Agencies; Regional: EU, OAS, AU, As Pacific)
  10. Specific international laws and regulations of Smart City,
  11. Problems and Prospects of International and Comparative law


Transhumanism – Digital Ethics. Disability

Lesson: Cascio

  1. From logic to artificial intelligence;
  2. Classical logic and its relationship with speculative and formal logic: development and use in programming languages;
  3. Python and its machine learning library Scikit-learn; 
  4. Machine learning: creation of systems capable of learning and self-improvement based on incoming data;
  5. Big Data and Artificial Neural Networks: the most popular computational model for solving common AI problems;


Lessons ZOE

  1. Disability. Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) as a communicative tool in open and closed public spaces


Urban Planning and Sustainability

Lesson: Soldi

  1. Why Agile is a key capability for organizations to embark on the journey towards Sustainability   and Circularity?
  2. Sustainability and the Agile Mindset: a shared system of values and principles
  3. Developing Sustainable Products and Services through Agile Scrum
  4. Being adaptive also at the Strategy level
  5. Sustainable goals setting through OKR
  6. Sustainable Strategy Execution with Lean Portfolio Management


Lesson: Zilli

  1. Sustainability and Technologies in Smart Cities
  2. Urban Sustainability: Concepts of sustainability and importance in cities
  3. Sustainability Indicators: Discussion of key indicators for assessing sustainability in a smart city
  4. Technological Solutions for Sustainability: Examination of advanced technologies used to address environmental challenges in cities: IoT, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, and others
  5. Renewable Energy: Insight into renewable energy sources in Smart Cities
  6. Sustainable Mobility: Discussion on technologies and initiatives to promote sustainable public transport and shared mobility
  7. Holistic Approach to Sustainability: How digital technologies, innovation, and sustainability fit into a holistic approach to Smart Cities


Earth Observation (EO) and Geographic Information System (GIS) 

Lesson: Borghi

  1. “Earth Observation Technologies for Smart City”


Lesson: Bhattacharjee 

  1. “Foundations of Earth Observation and GIS for Smart Cities”
  2. Earth Observation and GIS. Technologies  of smart cities,  role in data acquisition, analysis, and decision-making 
  3. Introduction to GIS software programs like QGIS
  4. Practical Examples and Case Studies
  5. “Real-World Applications of Earth Observation and GIS in Cities”
  6. Practical examples and case studies
  7. Earth observation and GIS applied in urban environments: from urban planning to environmental monitoring
  8. “Hands-On Workshop: Designing Smart Solutions for Cities”.  Problem-solving skills Application of software QGIS


Case studies

Lesson: Adbellatif 

  1. The Paradigm Shift in the GCC emerging TOD Practices
  2. Saudi Arabia Greening and Humanization Practices in Urban and Regional Planning


Lesson: Nkafu

  1. Digital Bridge: a technological bridge between Italy and Cameroon


Lesson: Petrucci

  1. Riyadh Smart City and Amburgo Smart City


Lesson: Bhattacharjee 

  1. Urban Environment for Smart Cities
  2. Case Study in Urban microclimate simulation: Prague and other cities
  3. Discussions and exercise 


Lesson: Caviasca

  1. Architectural solar smart poles for Smart cities

Agrosì Giulia

Architect. Founder and CEO of the SmartCity Corporation, the world’s first female start-up for smart city projects. Director of the SmartCity Corporation Collection, I edition ‘ La Smart City e La città Comoda, Una Nuova Realtà Futurista Smartiana’ (Mimesis 2022). Director of the International Master ‘Be Smart in the City’. Since 2000, international professional in Europe and worldwide as a Team Leader and task manager of programs and infrastructure projects for EU, MAECI, UNESCO, IDB/WB, and NCW. Technical assistance to foreign governments, developing countries, and war zones. Her prestigious assignments range over the most diverse geographical areas of the world: Western Balkans, South-Eastern Europe, Middle East, and  South America. Professor in Project Cycle Management at the International Master in Urban Architectural Complexity Management at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Architecture. Professor at the Rome Business School in Smart Cities and Rural Transformation. Professor at the Spadolini Academy. Founder and Artist of the project “Just Trash Recycling Culture”. Publications and documentaries. 


Abdellatif Khaled

Senior Director of Urban Planning at Red Sea Global.

Talks about cities, the public realm, urban design, urban planning, and master planning. Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


Alberotanza Roberta

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Former Cultural Attaché and Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tirana, Luxembourg, and Marseille (2002 -2005); Head of Section, promoting the Art Collection of the Farnesina – Directorate General for the Country System, (2011-2012); Member Task Force Italian Presidency, Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (2021-2022). Council of Europe: Cheaf of the Italian delegation of the Cultural Committee, Cultural Heritage and Landscape (1995-2012). Vice President and President of Committee of Culture (2004 -2007). Member of Council and Orientations of Cultural Routes (1995-2011). Auditor of Cultural Routes. University of Reggio Calabria: Scientific Council member and Cultural Itineraries Coordinator of the Research Laboratory UNESCO Heritage of the Mediterranean at the PAU Department of the Mediterranean. Technical-Scientific Member Committee Calabria Regional Observatory UNESCO Heritage. Vice President Centro Camuno Studi Preistorici (2017 – 2021). Member of ICOMOS Italy International Council of Monuments and Sites, and SISTUR Scientific Society of Tourism. Over 50 publications and articles including catalogs.


Angelini Andrea

Institute of Heritage Science (ISPC) – Researcher

Postgraduate in Classical Archaeology on surveying and technical analysis of ancient monuments, he holds a Ph.D. in Science of Representation and Surveying from the Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome. ISPC researcher expert in digital survey techniques and 3D data processing, for several years he has been dealing with research topics concerning the relationship between Survey and Digital Representation aimed at the knowledge and technical analysis of archaeological sites and architectural monuments. Lecturer in agreement with Sapienza University of Rome in the course of Thematic Cartography at the School of Specialization in Natural and Territorial Heritage (SSBNT) and Representation and Visual Culture of Cities, a module of the Design and Representation Studio Laboratory. Since 2021, he has been coordinating the ISPC Digital Representation and Survey Laboratory – RDR-Lab.


Bhattacharjee Sagnik

Urban environment engineer. He is passionate about urban resilience to climate change impacts, the environmental impact on urban ecosystems, and the use of nature-based solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change in cities. In 2018, after graduating with a master’s in city and urban from Ecole Centrale Nantes in France, he joined ECOTEN Urban Comfort s.r.o., an urban environmental consultancy focused on the climate adaptation of cities, and is currently working there as the CTO. He conceptualized the measurement of urban heat vulnerability for city planners and urban developers using GIS and earth observation technology. He also manages the development of urban microclimate simulations using the software suite SOLENE-microclimate for urban development stakeholders. He is also managing the commercial development of the SOLENE-microclimate with funding from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) and the development of Urban Resiliency API services with funding from ESA BIC.


Borghi Giuseppe

Giuseppe Borghi is since June 2020 the Head of the ESA Φ-lab Division that Accelerates the future of Earth Observation. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and a Master in Executive General Management. After some years of AI research activities @PoliMi (I) and IDSIA (CH), he joined the Space industry in 1998 and contributed for about 25 years to its worldwide innovation in various executive and managerial roles, such as Vice President of Strategy, BD and Sales @Teledyne e2v (UK-USA), Programme Director @OHB (I), BU Manager @Media Lario Technology (I), AIPAS(I) Board Member, Research Programme Manager TNO (NL).  His contribution was always aimed at developing the worldwide Space Industry by exploiting technology and business model transformative innovation as the catalyst for success. 


Cagiano Antonio

Civil engineer, with experience in water metering and smart metering, consumption, leakage, and administrative losses management and control. Since 2005 working in Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A..

Currently head of “Metering”, has been head of “Water Systems” (collection and validation of data for regulatory authorities, company water balances, smart metering, and new technologies).

Experience: Water metering and smart metering – walk-by, fixed network, LoRaWAN; Consumption profiles study and reduction of administrative losses; Water sector regulation; Tender specifications and implementation of projects for meters replacement and smart metering; Clerk of works, safety engineer and financial accounting; Analysis and fixing of meters database; Leakage management and control; Water systems balances.


Calaprice Vittorio

Political Analyst at the European Commission Representation in Italy where he deals in particular with institutional relations and political intelligence. A graduate of Law, he holds a Master’s degree in Economic Security, Geopolitics, and Intelligence from SIOI. He specializes in issues concerning the evolution of the European digital ecosystem and EU-Italy relations in cyber security and artificial intelligence strategies. He is a contract professor of European Union Law at the University of Roma Tre and has lectured at Bocconi, LUISS, and the Italian Society for International Organisation. In the latter, he teaches the Master’s degree ‘Strategic Protection of the Country System.


Calzolaio Francesco

Architect. Design of accessible housing, sustainable development, rehabilitation of the industrial patrimony, interpretation of waterscapes, international networks, and cultural territorial resources. Teaching, research, and design: lagoon of Venice and itineraries and cultural networks among European and Mediterranean waterfronts. Former professor at ILAUD (International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design), Venetian Workshop of the University of Minnesota (College of Design), University of Cagliari. Scientific responsible for the international networks of the Geo-mining Environmental and Historical Park of Sardinia. From 2003 to 2006 he was the scientific coordinator of the Cultura2000 Project: “Industrial archaeology between land and water, a European network of coastal eco-museums”. In November 2009 he edited the documentary Cathedrals of the Sea. Expert at Council of Europe Cultural Route (IECR).


Cappanari Lorenzo

Co-founded as CEO of AnotheReality, an innovation company focused on Metaverse technologies. TEDx speaker. Author of Futuri Possibili published by Giunti. Professor at Institut Marangoni and collaborator SDA Bocconi. Nerd since the age of 8, classical studies, after a degree with honors in business administration he starts an international career with a long experience in Luxottica. After trying the Google Glasses, he senses that the future of eyewear is in technology, and at the end of 2015 he co-founded as CEO AnotheReality, an innovation company focused on Metaverse technologies consulting and development. He is also a TEDx speaker, author of the book Futuri Possibili published in Italy by Giunti, and collaborator of SDA Bocconi.


Cascio Mauro

Philosopher, he is among the best-known Hegel scholars. He has edited, among others, the works of David F. Strauss, R. G. Collingwood, J. Ellis McTaggart’s ‘Commentary on Hegel’s Logic’, and G. Noël’s ‘The Logic of Hegel’. He also dealt with the reception of Hegelism in 19th-century Naples and the works on Logic by Bertrando Spaventa and Augusto Vera Researchers of Classical Logic and its relationship with Speculative and Formal Logic and in particular the development of the latter and its use in programming languages. Ethics and Digital.


Caviasca Alessandro

CEO & Cofounder. Alessandro is an architect, engineer, designer, and resilient entrepreneur with a deep passion for integrating solar energy in our cities. He pioneered the creation of solar-designed urban products. He cofounded SIARQ in 2003. During the period 2003-2010, he was focused on sustainable-solar integrated architectural projects, and since 2011 focused on studying the solar lighting market and developing a wide portfolio of Solar Lighting products.


De Caro Tilde

Geologist, Ph.D. in Materials Science and Technology, Researcher at ISMN-CNR, Adjunct Lecturer for the teaching of “Chemistry of Restoration and Conservation Laboratory” in the master’s degree course of “Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage” at the University of Rome “Sapienza”.


Galletto Gianluca

He worked for over 30 years in New York City in the financial sector, with a degree from Yale and before that Bocconi University in Milan. Upon the election of Mayor Bill de Blasio, he transitioned to the New York City administration, holding several positions in government including leading foreign trade. He is the founder and president of DG Advisors and principal of Global Futures Group, a firm that assists public and private clients in creating smart, sustainable urban communities founded on innovative ecosystems with public-private partnership dynamics. Until recently, he was also the general manager for technology partnerships for the Office of the President of the New York City Housing Authority, the city’s largest residential landlord, with more than 600,000 tenants. Currently, he is Senior Advisor for North America to the CEO of IBIS Power, a company that created the revolutionary Powernest energy solution. He also advises companies and startups on entering the U.S. market and works with local and national governments and private entities such as Lendlease (Milan Innovation District), Amundi, The European House-Ambrosetti, the Office of the Mayor of New York City, the World Bank, the Partnership for NYC, and the administrations of Amsterdam, Vienna, and Barcelona. Passionate about innovation, sustainability, startups, and venture capital, he is regularly called to speak at major international conferences and collaborates with news media such as Crain’s, RaiNews 24, TG1 Special, CNBC(USA), and La Repubblica. Galletto is the author of Viva New York (Paesi Edizioni, 2023), a nonfiction book with a foreword by former Big Apple mayor Bill De Blasio.


Georgiadis Teodoro

Dr. Prof. Teodoro Georgiadis – Senior Research Associate CNR. Education: Laurea in Physics, Astronomy, Urban and Landscape Planning, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Post Doc in remote sensing. Member of the Capacity Building Committee IUGG. Expert and Vice Chair for the European Commission. Member of the Health and Environment Commission of the National Federation of Chemists and Physics. Member of the High Commission PINQuA of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports. Italian Delegate to WMO Congresses. Referee for IPCC Special Report 2018. He is/was a Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Environmental Methodology, and Urban Regeneration. 


Gigliarelli Elena 

Architect and Senior Researcher at ISPC (Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences) of the CNR (National Research Council). Since 1991, she has been involved in promoting and developing national and international projects for the protection and enhancement of architectural heritage. Her research focuses on the documentation, conservation, and valorization of monumental and archaeological heritage and historical urban landscapes. Her research has expanded into technological and environmental architectural design, energy efficiency in historic buildings, and the application of BIM methodologies to the built heritage. She heads the BHiLab Laboratory at the Institute. She is responsible for the Naples Node (OR3) of the DARIAH-IT research infrastructure and coordinates the Virtual Competence Center VCC3 “Scholarly Content Management” of the DARIAH.EU research infrastructure. She is a member of the JOINT RESEARCH COMMITTEE – JRC, Coordinator of Network 10 of the Research Infrastructure of the Lazio Technical Committee (DTC), and a lecturer in second-level university courses and masters. She coordinates international and national projects and directs archaeological missions in Albania and Vietnam. Winner of the “Europa Nostra Award 2009” for the restoration of the Church of San Nicola (Bedestan) in Nicosia, Cyprus. She is the author or co-author of over 100 scientific publications, projects, articles, proceedings, and books of national and international relevance.


Giordano Salvatore

Business developer and project manager for Nomisma SpA in building local development processes collaborate on issues of environmental and social sustainability with Grameen Foundation Italy (an expression of Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus), Environment Delegate Emilia-Romagna Region of FAI (Italian Environment Foundation).


Lanza Paolo

CIO with strong experience in the infrastructure sector, rail, and road, as well as in HS rail transportation, he has been Chief Innovation & IT Officer in Acquedotto Pugliese since 2022. With a degree in Electronic Engineering, his work experiences have led him to have a deep understanding of business processes and he has always believed in promoting in the IT Department the language and view of the business. An innovator in favor of process digitization, never forgetting architectural, technological, IT security, and corporate compliance issues


Marcatili Marco

President of the Centro Agro Alimentare di Bologna (CAAB). Economist and Development Manager of economic research and consulting firm Nomisma. Board member of the Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI). Member of the Executive Board of the Association of Abandoned Urban Areas (AUDIS) and member of the Scientific Committee of the series Expectations publishing house LetteraVentidue. 


Mazzolani Gianfredi

Director of the Department of Research, Development, and International Activities

of Acquedotto Pugliese SpA.  Civil hydraulic engineer, Master of Science at the University of California Los Angeles and Ph.D. at the Technical University of Milano. Former research assistant at the University of California Los Angeles and professor at the University of Sannio, he has been working at integrated water utilities since 1998. Experienced in industrial planning and techno- economic investment programming; ARERA regulation, with particular reference to technical quality and water loss monitoring, control, and management;  management and integration of metering and smart metering systems, as well as GIS, remote control, and smart water management applications, with a view to the digital transformation of services;  implementation of research, development, and innovation projects, as well as international cooperation, with objectives of management efficiency and environmental sustainability.


Messori Andrea

Constantly involved in European projects concerning Urban Community Gardens, he supports the Forum of Urban Community Gardens of Rome facilitating communication, participation, and networking. Cooperation with the main local public institutions. Working on building the conditions for the formal recognition of Gardeniser’s professional profile in Italy. Education: International Political Sciences at Bologna University. Since 1998 he has been dealing with Educational European Programmes. Training, Learning Mobility, and Active Citizenship. His mission is to foster participation and social cohesion, for the development of civil society. Trainer and project manager he is implementing long-lasting strategic actions involving informal groups of citizens.


Marco Mottola

Maintenance engineer with more than fifteen years of experience in monitoring and diagnostic systems for hydraulic infrastructures.


Nkemnka Martin Nkafu

Graduated in Philosophy (PhD) and S. Theology (PhD) from the Pontifical Lateran University (P.U.L.). Master’s degree in Electronics: – Electronic Physicist – Technicien Electronicien in 1988 at the University of LIEGE – BELGIQUE (CIFOR). President of Nkemnkia Community Development Empowerment International Africa/Europe Foundation – NCDEIF. Development Empowerment International Foundation Africa – Europe. Lecturer in the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical Lateran University. Former Director of the Department of Human and Social Sciences – International Research Area Interdisciplinary Studies for the Development of African Culture (Faculty of Philosophy Pul).Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the CRA/SGI Centre for Relations with Africa of the Italian Geographical Society. Over 40 scientific publications.


Paragano Carmine

President Project Management Institute (PMI)Central Ital. Senior Director NTT DATA Italy. Program and Project Manager and Agile Coach in different Industries (Energy, Telco & Media, Banking, manufacturing, Automotive). Trainer on Project Management and Agile. Corporate Ambassador on Project Management in the PMI CAP program. Coach, Manager, and Trainer with Project Management and Agile methodologies. 


Pescatore Luca

Former EU ICT manager (2005 – 2017), with significant ICT projects for the Albanian Government as a transformative e-government project, ICT infrastructure enhancement for the General Prosecutor’s Office, and a country-wide video monitoring system for Customs. In 2014 He founded Albania’s first Maker Space, educating over 500 young minds in Open Source, Software, Electronics, and Hardware. He holds a Master’s in Business Administration and specializes as a Professional Coach, focusing on Life and Business coaching with an emphasis on Inner Game techniques. His career spans Albania, Gambia, and Turkey. He is proficient in a range of ICT systems


Petrucci Anna Laura

Prof. Arch. carries out her activities as a professional and academic consultant in architecture and urban design between Europe and the Middle East for public and private institutions. She is the Co-Director of the International Advanced Master MCAU of Management of Architectural and Urban Complexity at the Universita’ La Sapienza in Roma, and Adj. Professor at the King Saud University of Riyadh. She has participated in numerous projects and research in the fields of sustainability, urban and architectural design, cultural identity, and contemporary art. Author of numerous articles and scholarly publications, she is a G20 author with several policy briefs published and was chief editor for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation on Smart Cities in the GCC. Her work has been presented at Expo 2000 Hannover, the Venice Architecture Biennale 2002 and Art Biennale 2007, and the World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi 2020.


Polini Michele

Doctor in law and economy. Professional and business manager. Expert in consulting and management of circular economy and environmental legislation (WEEE). Expert developer in national and international corporate and tax consultancy, corporate reorganization and restructuring, and corporate crisis processes. Expert in company administration and management (CFO and CEO), start-ups, corporate restructuring processes and projects, tax, international development personnel, finance, and control of corporate groups (Holding). 


Ricchio Simona

Architect, member of the Business Unit “Development and Sustainability” Nomisma SpA.


Sartori Andrea 

Responsabile Business DevelopmentResponsabile Business Development Goppion SpA since 21 years


Soldi Emiliano

Enthusiast and passionate Business Agility Coach, Executive, and Blogger, with more than 25 years of experience in the IT and Consulting sectors, with a strong background in Software Engineering and possessing relevant professional certifications (SAFe, Scrum, Nexus, LeSS, DAD, Agile Leadership, Business Agility, Agile HR, Org Design, PMI, ADKAR). Professional Skills and Personal Highlights: Agile Transformation, Portfolio and Program Management, Strategic and Innovation Leadership, Building Agile-Lean COE (Center of Excellence), Agile-Lean Coaching, Change Management, Design Thinking and Innovation Sprints, Software Development Life Cycle, Sustainability. 


Trasi Nicoletta

Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Design at DiAP, Sapienza University of Rome, and faculty member at Doctoral College in Architecture-Theories and Design. Director of the international Master of Advanced Studies in Project Management of Complex Architecture, in collaboration with ENSA Paris Val de Seine, Hafencity University in Hamburg, ETSAV in Barcelona, and Ecole Urbaine de Lyon.


Varricchio Roberto

Lawyer at the Supreme Court. Lecturer in Sociology of Economic and Labor Processes at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro. Former Ph.D. in Dynamics of Education – Political Education and lecturer in Sociology of the Bureaucratic Phenomenon and Organizational Models and Competencies.


Ugwu Agbo Edmund

Lawyer. Doctor of Philosophy and Law trained at the Pontifical Lateran University (PUL), Vatican City. Professor of Law and HoD, African Geo-Politics and Geo-Law at the International University for Peace –United Nations Delegated University – (UNIPACE) Rome, Italy. Teaching Digital/Computer Forensics, Emerging Technologies Law, Bioethics, and Metaphysics. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre for Relations with African, Italian Geographical Society (CRA-SGI). Member, Roman Union of African Jurists (Unione Romana dei Giuristi Africani).


Vitali Federico

FAAM Founder – Vice President FIB SpA (SERI Industrial SpA Group). Federico Vitali was born in Monterubbiano on 6 June 1953. Former CEO, Chairman, and founding partner of the FAAM Group, he is currently Vice Chairman of FIB S.p.A. President of Confindustria Fermo, Councillor of the Provincial Administration of Ascoli Piceno, Provincial Councillor for Economic Development Planning, President of the Provincial Administration of Ascoli Piceno, Member of the Board of Directors of the Banca di Credito Cooperativo Picena, President of Confindustria Marche, Member of the Board of Directors and Council of Confindustria Nazionale. He was appointed ‘Cavaliere del Lavoro’ (Knight of Labour) in 2012 and was also awarded the ‘Cavaliere’ honor, the ‘Plauso Città di Fermo award, the ‘Piceno dell’Anno award, and the ‘Volponi’ ‘Impresa e Cultura’ award.


Zacchei Valeria

Architect. PhD in Architectural Technology at IUAV/Bologna/Ferrara. Lecturer and member of the scientific committee of the Master “Building Information Modeling (B.I.M.) ” Faculty of Architecture – Sapienza University of Rome. Works in training and consulting on the adoption of BIM for commissioning and design structures.


Zilli Sandro

Innovation Manager and Business Coach, Digital and Business Model Transformation expertise. Lecturer in digital and innovation issues at Link Campus University and Luiss Business School.



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